The second hungarian national Astronaut
We're sending an expert into space prepared for everything
Following a complex and rigorous screening and preparation process, and after considering almost a thousand pages of documentation, the HUNOR-Program Steering Board decided in May 2024 on the second Hungarian research astronaut and their reserve. Tibor Kapu was selected for the position of research astronaut and Gyula Cserényi for the position of research astronaut reserve.
The research astronauts started their mission-specific training at Axiom Space in Houston in August 2024. That is where they met the other members of the Ax-4 mission crew, a Polish and an Indian colleague and their reserve, and their commander, astronaut Peggy Whitson. They have been working together and preparing for the mission ever since.
The training in the United States was preceded by a particularly complex preparation process, which ended in May 2024. The HUNOR Hungarian Astronaut Program candidates successfully completed all three stages of their training in Hungary.
Tibor Kapu
He received his bachelor and master degrees in mechanical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2016. His master’s degree was in polymer engineering.
He speaks English at an advanced level and German at a basic level. He started his career in the pharmaceutical industry, later worked in logistics at GE Hungary Ltd., and then moved to the automotive industry at Robert Bosch Ltd., where he specialized in battery development.
He also gained experience in an international environment, working in Belgium and the United States. Tibor Kapu is a marathoner and a 20-time half marathoner. He has completed 38 parachute jumps.
He was born in 1991 in Vásárosnamény.

Gyula Cserényi
He received his bachelor and master degrees in electrical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2014. His Master’s degree was in electrical machines and drive systems.
He enrolled in the Engineer Economist course at the Budapest University of Economics and Business in 2020. He speaks English at an advanced level and German at an intermediate level. He started his career as an electrical engineer at E.ON Tiszántúli Áramhálózati Zrt., and later worked as a project engineer and then as a senior electrical engineer at the company.
From 2018, he held the position of Group Manager for Safety and Operations of the electrical network at Robert Bosch Ltd.’s industrial site in Hatvan for five years. Gyula Cserényi is a steeplechaser, has completed the Spartan Race nine times, and is also a fencer and wall climber.
He was born in Kecskemét in 1989, is married and the father of two children.